

Master Data


Expected Price Claim

Order Strike Rate

Automated Monitoring of Store adherence to nominated order days (NOD) and order cut off times

Order price validations

Order master data validations

Monitor delivery adherence to nominated delivery day (NDD).

Adherence will ensure that emergency orders are not raised to facilitate deliveries

Automated validation of expected Price exceptions to Price Claims raised by a retailer reducing the need to manually investigate large volumes of claims

Automated real time delivery statistics on order fulfilment by both supplier and retailer, providing a common view

Identify and collate trends of repetitive non-adhereing stores for presentation to retailer executives for remedial action

Price Exception and KPI metrics on resolution

Identify and monitor stores ordering discontinued products

EDI Invoice transmission to retailers will facilitate reduced delivery time at receiving points, improving delivery efficiencies

Valid price claims electronically presented for authorisation increasing processing efficiencies and productivity with reduced processing costs

Opportunity to task Sales Teams in stores to address store disciplines and reduce costs associated with out-of-schedule deliveries

Real time dashboard view of price exceptions by product and region for presentation to the retailer executive for investigation and resolution

Identify and monitor stores ordering products listed with incorrect barcodes

Electronic invoice transmission will ensure reference accuracy in both claim and remittance data improving automation opportunities and reducing post term investigations

Automation opportunity exist to electronically process valid, authorised price claims into credit notes reducing the requirement  for manually processing credit notes, this also ensures referencing accuracy

Reduce bottleneck processing in warehouse picking and packing due to late orders

Automated identification of invoiced products not ordered will reduce incurred costs of non- receipt claims

Invalid Price Claims raised, can be automatically assigned to Key Account Manager for resolution with the buyer

Identify and collate trends of invoicing undercharges  - identify direct value losses

KPI metrics can be monitored until final resolution has been reached